- August 31, 2023
- Posted by: swimlyadn1m
- Category: Swimly Blog

It’s perfectly normal to feel a little apprehensive about venturing into the ocean. After all, we can’t see what’s going on beneath the surface, and there are definitely some creatures down there that we don’t want to encounter! However, it’s important to understand that the ocean and your fear of the ocean is not nearly as dangerous as we often make it out to be.
There are a few main reasons why people may be afraid of ocean water. First, it is an unknown environment. When we are in the ocean, we cannot see what is happening around us. This can be very disorienting and make us feel like we are not in control. Second, there are creatures in the ocean that we cannot see. This can be very frightening for some people. Third, the waves and currents in the ocean can be very dangerous. If we are not careful, they can pull us away from shore and into deep water. Finally, the ocean is a very big place. It can be overwhelming to think about how small we are in comparison to all of that water.
In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common fears people have about the ocean and dispel some of the myths about what lies beneath the waves.
Creatures in The Water
One of the most common fears people have about the ocean is encountering dangerous creatures. Sharks immediately come to mind for most people, but there are actually only around 100 shark attacks worldwide each year. That means your odds of being attacked by a shark are approximately 1 in 3.7 million! When you consider how many people swim in the ocean each year, those odds are actually quite low.
Waves and Currents
Another common fear is being pulled out to sea by strong waves and currents. Every year, there are reports of swimmers being pulled out to sea by strong currents. This can happen even if you’re a strong swimmer because the currents are much stronger than you are. It’s true that rip currents can be dangerous if you’re not careful, but there are some simple steps you can take to stay safe. First, always swim at a lifeguard-protected beach. Second, if you do find yourself caught in a rip current, don’t fight against it— swim parallel to the shore until you feel less current, then turn and swim back to shore.
The Unknown
One of the biggest reasons why we fear the ocean is because it’s so unknown. We can’t see what’s beneath the surface, so our imaginations run wild with all sorts of possibilities. What if there’s a shark swimming next to me? What if I get pulled under by a strong current? It’s natural to be afraid of things we can’t see or don’t understand. But just because we can’t see what’s beneath the surface doesn’t mean it’s not there. There are all sorts of creatures living in the ocean, but most of them are harmless to humans. And as for currents, they’re not as dangerous as you might think. As long as you’re aware of your surroundings and swim within your limits, you’ll be fine.
The Vastness Of The Ocean
Another reason why we may have a fear of the ocean is because it’s so vast and open. When we’re out in the middle of the ocean, it can feel like we’re all alone in the world. This can be especially scary if we’re not used to being in open spaces. Just because the ocean is big doesn’t mean we’re alone out there. There are always people nearby, even if you can’t see them. And if you do start to feel overwhelmed, you can always head back to shore. The vastness of the ocean is one of its most beautiful qualities.
The Power Of The Ocean
Another reason why the ocean may scare us is because of its power. We’ve all seen videos of huge waves crashing onto shore or heard stories about people being swept out to sea by a rip current. It’s easy to understand why this might make us feel scared or intimidated. Even though the ocean has a lot of power, that doesn’t mean we need to be afraid of it. Your fear of the ocean can be overcome, and as long as we respect its power and don’t take unnecessary risks, we’ll be fine.
Staying Safe in The Water
Many people are afraid of things they can’t control—and with good reason! The ocean is a powerful force, and there are some things down there that we don’t fully understand. However, that doesn’t mean we need to be afraid of it. With respect and caution, we can enjoy all that the ocean has to offer without letting our fears get the best of us.
The next time you find yourself feeling afraid of the ocean, remember that most of our fears are based on myths and misconceptions. The truth is that the ocean is an amazing place full of wonder and beauty—not something to be feared. If you would like to learn more and understand the ocean, join Swimly for one of our Ocean Sessions.
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