

If you’re new to swimming, you may be wondering how to perfect your swimming stroke. After all, swimming is a complex physical activity that requires the coordination of many different parts of the body. There is so much conflicting information as to the ‘perfect’ stroke. The way you should swim is as effortless and efficiently as possible.

In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to perfect your swimming stroke so that you can swim with confidence and ease.

1. Start with the basics. Before you start worrying about perfecting your swimming stroke, make sure that you have the basics down. The first and most important is learning how to breathe properly with your face in the water. Learning the correct body position for swimming goes hand in hand with breathing. If you’re not sure how to do either of these things, or confused by the multitude of resources available online, Swimly can help you out during our Stroke Correction sessions. Once you have the basics down, you can start thinking about perfecting your stroke.

2. Pay attention to your arms. Your arms are one of the most important parts of your swimming stroke, so it’s important to pay attention to them as you swim. Make sure that they’re moving in a smooth, coordinated motion and that they’re entering the water at relaxed angle in front of your head. You should also be aware of how much energy you’re using as you swim; if your arms are getting tired quickly, then you’re probably using too much energy and need to adjust your stroke accordingly.

3. Don’t forget about your legs. While your arms are certainly important, don’t forget about your legs! They play a big role in keeping the timing through the water and helping you maintain a good body position. Make sure that they’re kicking in a coordinated fashion and that they’re not crossing over in front of your body (which will cause drag). Again, pay attention to how much energy you’re using; if your legs are getting tired quickly, then reduce the tension and move them slower.

4. Practice, practice, practice. The only way to really perfect your swimming stroke is to practice it as often as possible. If you have access to a pool, take advantage of it and swim laps regularly. If you don’t have access to a pool, there are still plenty of ways to practice (such as using a resistance band in the water or practicing in a shallow area). The more you practice, the better your Swimming Stroke will become!

Perfecting your swimming stroke takes time and effort, but it’s definitely worth it if you want to be a confident swimmer.

Following the tips in this blog post, you’ll be on your way to having a great swimming technique in no time or you can book a Stroke Correction Session to get direct feedback!

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