

It’s a fear that many of us share- the fear of not being able to swim. We’ve all seen the movies where the character is struggling in the water, and we know how terrifying it can be. But what if you don’t have to worry about that? What if you could learn to swim and feel safe in any body of water?.

Do you have a fear of water? Millions of people do, in fact 1 in 4 Australians have a fear of water or are weak swimmers. It can be a very debilitating fear and can keep us from enjoying activities we love, like swimming or boating. It can even keep us from traveling to places we want to go because we are worried about the possibility of having to swim in open water. If you have a fear of water, this blog post is for you! In it, we will discuss ways that you can overcome your fears and start enjoying the many benefits that come with conquering them!

Understanding water

Water can be a scary thing. Just think about how much power it has. It can drown you, sweep you away, and even freeze you. It’s no wonder that so many people are afraid of water!

But water is also essential to life. We need it to drink, to bathe, and to cool off on a hot day. Water can also be a lot of fun! When you’re swimming in the pool or playing in the waves at the beach, water can be a great source of entertainment.

One of the first steps to overcoming your fear of water is understanding it. What is water? What are its properties? How does it move? Once you have a better understanding of water, you will be able to see that there is nothing to be afraid of!

Water is made up of molecules that are constantly moving. These molecules are attracted to each other, which is what gives water its liquid form. Water is constantly moving and this is where fear usually stems from losing control of our actions because of this movement. Water can also move in currents and create waves from the wind or water temperatures.

When you are in the water, most people are fighting against the water. With this, you are fighting against your fear of losing control. The key to relaxing in the water is to trust yourself!

If you can relax and trust that the water will support you, this is also known as floating! It may take some time and practice, but becoming confident in your ability in the water is possible! Just remember, relaxation is key!

Slow and steady is the way forward

Now that you understand a little bit more about water, let’s talk about ways that you can overcome your fear of it! There are many different ways that you can conquer your fear of water. It may take some time and effort, but it is most definitely possible! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

• Start by getting in the water gradually. If you’re afraid, start by sitting on the edge of the pool and putting your feet in.

• Once you’re comfortable with that, try slowly getting in and standing up in waist-deep water.

• Gradually by taking it slow, you can work your way up to walking in the shallow end. Place your arms in the water and ‘feel’ the pressure the water creates.

• Distract your mind from overthinking by focusing on breathing slowly and in control. Inhale for a 4 count and exhale for a 6 count.

• As you become more comfortable, lower your body and head closer to the water.

• Over time you will gain confidence to control your breath with your face in the water.

• The next progression is the practice of floating on your back. Remember !!! • Don’t force yourself. It’s better to take small steps in control, than many out of control.

• If fear kicks in, don’t fight the water. Breath and slow down your actions. The key is to relax!

We highly recommend working with a qualified coach to ensure you progress through the steps above with the correct guidance and encouragement.


Overcoming your fear of water will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you! Once you conquer your fears, you’ll be able to enjoy activities like swimming, boating, and even traveling to new places! Just remember, relaxation is key! With a little bit of time and practice, you’ll be able to overcome your fear of water and start enjoying all the health benefits that come with it! Did you enjoy this blog post? Share it with your friends and family on social media or leave us a comment below! We love hearing from our readers!

If you are looking for a specialised Swim instructor to help you overcome your fear of water, contact us at Swimly to find out how to work with an Aquaphobia qualified coach.

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